Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I'm going to start carpooling with someone from work, who has moved to this side of the Bay. The fastest route between our homes is actually by bicycle, taking the bridge behind Oracle, and the bridge behind Asera, to cross from Redwood Shores to Foster City. Yes, isn't it kind of silly for people to live within a 5 minute walk from company headquarters but work at a different location far away. I would have to go by the sadly completely empty Asera parking lot and building on a daily basis. Empty except for the several cars parked in the corner by the bike bridge, which I'm guessing belong to other Redwood Shores-Foster City carpoolers.

Stanford has a new program joining earth sciences with computer science. This comes after all the other fairly recent new programs relating to the environment. And the new Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering.

When I started looking several years ago, the most interesting math PhD program was at NYU Courant, and this was one type of program I thought Stanford and the Bay Area was missing. Well, now they have one. I also thought that computer science has been lacking in collaborating in the environment and earth sciences fields. Now they are starting such a program. Gee, it would be kind of an exciting time to go back for a PhD if I wanted to.

And there are a fast growing number of very interesting job postings. The 10 year cycle is rolling around again. I haven't really spotted the next Yahoo! or Google though. Aside from Wikipedia, the most exciting things lately seem to be organic food and natural bug spray.