Sunday, January 15, 2006

Birthday Wish

My birthday wish was a selfish wish, I think the first time I made a selfish one. Ugh. Perhaps with good intentions. But still thinking about myself first. If a person has to feel good before doing good, is it all right then to act selfishly first? Going home today, my mom reminds me that people who truly care and give to others get the most in return.

It's like the people who spend their time and efforts trying to retire, most often spend their whole lives needing to work for a living. Whereas the people who work because it's their passion, have more money than they could ever need, yet keep on working.

It's always the opposite. I told my friend that one has to be happy single before being able to find a happy relationship. Wow, if that's the case, then one would have the best of both worlds. Happy and happy. Double happiness, hehe. On the other hand, fear of singlehood tends to lead to a needy relationship, which is lacking and thus, you have the opposite.

So, I forgot some of this over the last few months. Fear and worry, I guess, is a self-fulfilling prophesy. Finding myself again. Remember to concentrate on the good things....

But if that's the lowest of my low, in my whole lifetime, then I guess I'm doing quite well.


I tried to convince my girlfriend that there are enough good men out there. Fear of not finding one shouldn't dictate one's decisions. My coworker told me that when her husband first started to court her, after one day at work when he overheard her talking to a friend saying she wanted to eat cake, every day after that she found a piece of cake on her desk, and she didn't know who it was from.