Saturday, October 10, 2009

Retrovirus XMRV in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Okay, I haven't blogged in almost two years nor replied to almost any e-mails.  Yes, I am still alive.  Here are links to some big news in research on chronic fatigue syndrome.

This could be about as big as the discovery of HIV, in fact, as one of now three known infectious human retroviruses.  However, maybe I'd like to hope to be in the small percentage of patients without this virus since having something else might be better than having a retrovirus that can't be gotten rid of and probably causes cancer as well.  Although other viral causes probably cause cancer as well, but maybe they're better than retroviruses, who knows?

I think chronic fatigue syndrome has rarely been covered by journals of the caliber of Science and Nature.

Science Research Journals/Sites

Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
(full article is accessible from university domain)

Virus linked to chronic fatigue syndrome

Consortium of Researchers Discover Retroviral Link to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Popular Science Magazines

Retrovirus Linked to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Could Aid in Diagnosis

Major News Media

Virus Is Found in Many With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Cancer-Causing Virus Linked to Chronic Fatigue
(subscription article is accessible if you search and go through Google News)

Virus discovery called breakthrough in fight against chronic fatigue syndrome,0,3368993.story

Study isolates virus in chronic fatigue sufferers

Virus Linked To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Lady M said...

It's good to hear from you again.

thetaaquarii said...

ditto the above.

Daniel said...

I'm grateful for hearing a peep from you. :)